Oranges are one of the distinctive and beloved fruits, as they are famous for their high content of vitamin C, which is necessary to protect the body from winter diseases. So what are the benefits of orange?

Orange is a famous citrus fruit in the winter season and loved by most of us, and it is considered a very rich source of many vitamins, minerals and nutrients, so let's learn more about the benefits of orange and its nutritional contents below.

The Benefits of Oranges

benefits of orange

These are the benefits of orange in detail.

1- Cancer Prevention and Control

Numerous studies have proven the benefits of oranges and citrus fruits in general:

2- Lowering Cholesterol

These are the benefits of orange in this matter:

3- Promote Cardiovascular Health

Oranges are a fruit rich in potassium and calcium, which are:

And oranges have a role in regulating high blood pressure, as the flavonoids in oranges help to regulate high blood pressure, so the magnesium in them helps maintain blood pressure.

4- It Strengthens the Immune System

This is how oranges work to strengthen the immune system:

5- Prevention of Constipation

Oranges contain a high percentage of dietary fiber, which stimulates the digestive juices in the digestive system, and facilitates the work of the intestine and digestive processes in general, which helps prevent and treat constipation

6- Maintaining healthy skin and eyes

The benefits of orange in this regard are due to the following factors:

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